Thursday, October 9, 2008

Some Theories Of Leadership Referred To Today

In the first stage of the 20th century, there was a large increase in the interest of the people on the term as leadership. Mainly theories categorize the leadership qualities of the leader and his subordinates or followers. It also puts more emphasis on variables such as situational aspects, the proficient level, skills. These new theories of leadership are classified into eight categories as well as the theories of the Great Man, trait theories, theories of contingency, situational theories, behaviorial theories, theories participatory management theories and theories relationship.

In the first type of theories of leadership, namely the theories of great man, who is firmly of the view that the legendary leaders are born not to do or die. This theory is the portrait of the legendary leaders as a gallant, mythical, and they were born to explore qualities of leadership there when needed. The reason behind the use of the word as the great man theory of leadership at this time is that the quality of leadership is seen primarily as a man of quality which is specially armed referred to the leadership.

The ideology of the second type of leadership theory is identical to the first type. According to the theories trait, trait theory is a firm belief that the person who holds the leadership of excellence is the impact of their abilities and qualities, which are inherited genetic traits that make up these qualities well suited to leadership. Therefore, through the use of such theory, it is very easy to analyze the various features of behavior that is shared by such a leader. But in some feature such a theory creates confusion when someone has special features such as skills, attributes, but not to become the leader.

The theory is a contingency of the kinds of theories of leadership. This theory illustrates and emphasizes the positive attitude of the leader toward the unexpected incident, which makes him the true leader. Therefore, this last-minute decision-making requires several variables as the main style, the competence of his followers or subordinates and his approach to this situation. In short, leadership quality varies depending on the requirement of the situation.

In the situational theory, the more weight-age in need of the critical situation while making the decision of the leaders. Therefore, at times, makes the decision aggressive and sometimes gives importance to the negotiations. In such theories situational, the real leaders always have all your colleagues and subordinates, taking important, critical decision.

The theory of leadership as the theory of behavior is due mainly based on the belief, like the legendary leaders are made, not born. Thus, in this theory, it is believed that the leaders improve their quality of leadership through their daily observations and teaching materials of life. Therefore, according to this theory, the main approach is not based on the physical and mental traits.

In the theory of participative leadership, the leaders give emphasis to the participation and assistance of their comrades, while achieving any goal. Facilitate the members of your group feel more important, and convinced that the decision-making process.

In the other type of management as the theories and theories of the relationship of leadership, more emphasis is laid on the administration, union, team performance and of any organization. While on the theories, more emphasis is laid on the relationship between leaders and followers.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Look At The Benefits Of Transactional Leadership Style

Style of leadership plays a crucial role in the development of an organization. Transactional leadership is the leadership style that is often used by many companies. Transactional leadership considers that punishment and reward to motivate people. This leadership also assumes that when people agree to make a special allocation, a part of this agreement is that waive any authority to his boss. The leader has control and power over subordinates. The main objective of the worker is to obey the orders of their superiors. The idea is that when a subordinate took a job, he or she undertakes to obey her head completely. The 'operation' is the money or any other concession that the company pays his subordinates for their achievement and effort. The relationship between the subordinate and becomes the transactional leader.
In the lead transactional leader has the right to punish their subordinates, or if their performance does not agree with the standard default.

Transactional leadership makes it clear that what is required and expected of their subordinates. It also mentions that the subordinates will receive prize if they follow the orders seriously. Sometimes the punishments are not mentioned but it is understood. In the early stages of transactional leadership, is subordinated in the process of negotiating the contract. The contract specified fixed salary and benefits to be given to the subordinates. The rewards are given to subordinates for implementation in the effort. Some organizations use incentives to encourage their subordinates to higher productivity. Transactional leadership is a way to enhance the performance of their subordinates, giving them rewards. Transactional leadership is also called as "true leadership style, as it focuses on short-term objectives rather than long-term goals.

In the transactional leadership, when the leader assigns the job to his subordinates, and then it is the responsibility of subordinates to see that the task is completed on time. If the assignment is not completed on time or if something occurs then the penalty for their failure. But if the task in time then the subordinates are given a reward for successfully completing the task. Subordinates are also praised the award and for exceeding expectations. A subordinate whose performance is below expectations and is liable to take some steps to improve its performance.

Transactional leadership is more than a 'style saying. "Transactional leadership is based on the fact that the reward or punishment depends on the outcome. Even though researchers have revealed their limitations, transactional leadership is still used by many employers. More and more companies are adopting transactional leadership to increase the performance of their employees. This approach is common in the workplace real.

The main limitation of this leadership is that it assumes that people are largely motivated by simple rewards. In accordance with transactional leadership, employees can not do much to improve job satisfaction. Transaction leadership has been ineffective in providing skilled employees for their organization. This style of leadership is less interested in changing the working environment. The experts do not recommend this approach. Transactional leadership focuses more on the management of punishments and rewards.